Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tire, Glasses and More Oh My!

So today I did not have to be at work till later in the evening, so I decided that I would run some errands.

First on the list go to Wal*Mart (I practically live there haha) I needed to get a gift card so I can get 3 cents off for gas lol, then I had to get some decorations for the youth dance this weekend. Of course I had to go see my "friend" hehe, we talked for a while.

Then I went by this tire to see how much a tire was going to cost me. I few weeks, well more than a few weeks ago I got a flat tire, so i've been on my spare for some time now. They quoted me about $75. I told them I had to run a few more errands and that i would possibly be back. Well the guy asked what was wrong with my other tire and I told them that something had happened to the side of it and that they people at Goodyear told me it wasnt repairable. He asked if he could take a look at it and I said sure. I left the tire with him and ran the other errands that I needed to run. I came back and he FIXED IT! I was sooo surprised and happy! And it only cost me $20. Stupid Goodyear tired to rip me off!

Now, about my glasses. I had lost them like a week ago. I could not find them anywhere. I was freaking out. Today when I got of work my sister asked if I could get some stuff for her and of course I said yes. I was driving home and she called me and asked me if my glasses were brown and I said yes. Then she said that the neighbor brought some over and asked if they belonged to my nieces and my sister said no, and just as she was gonna leave my sister remembered that I had asked her if she had seen my glasses. So she kept them, When I got home to look at them they were MINE! lol i was sooooe excited. It is soo hard for me to drive at night without them. I got lucky too.

Anyways today was a great day! I am sooo excited for Friday cause both the boy and I are off and we get to hangout yay!

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