Sunday, December 28, 2008

Flat Tire and Missionaries

So yesterday I realized that I need to learn how to change a flat tire.

I was on my way to work and my car sounded really odd, it was making this loud noise that I had never heard before. I kept going, but I pulled over and got out to see what it was. It turned out that my front passanger side tire was flat. I opended my trunk and got everything out that I would need to change my tire. I looked at the flat tire and thought to myself, wow I have never done this before. I freaked out a little, but then I saw this guy getting gas. I walked over to him and asked if he could help me and he did. I was lucky he was there to help me and that he was willing to help me.

Now, about missionaries, the town I live in is really small, and there arent very many members of the church here. When I moved here and started going to the branch there were no missionaries here. The branch president told us at one point there were missionaries here at one point, but that it has been a very long time. Needless to say that this area has been closed for some time now.

Well today our branch president announced that we will be getting 2 full-time missionaries this coming week. The stake president and mission president will be here next sunday to open up this area again.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

Well today was my 22nd birthday! I cant believe it. it seems so odd lol.

I used to think that being 22 was so old haha, but now I know it isnt =)

At the begining of the day I was kinda sad cause I didnt have any of my friends around, nor did I have a cell phone(my niece broke it on halloween) But as the day went on I was fine. I had my family with me which I havent had this much family with me on my birthday in a very long time so it was nice. They really helped me have a good birthday.

I then got to go to mutual and help the Youth decorate the hoyt house for Christmas. I really enjoy workin with the Youth. =)

Thanks to everyone that helped make my brithday great!