Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well tonight I was in charge of mutual. I was freaking out cause it happended at the last min. I had to come up with a new idea of what to do.

So I called my friend Brandon freakin out. He then suggested games. That was the greatest idea.
I bought Apples to Apples cause that game is fun.

I wasnt sure how it was going to go, but it went really well. My niece even went with me.

Sooo I owe a BIG THANK YOU to Brandon!!! your the best! that is why we are friends lol!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Phone Less Computer

Well it seems that since I got my new phone I get on the computer less.

There really isnt anything new. My step-mom moved to Colorado in Dec. My parents put the house for rent in Oregon, here is the link if you would like to see it
When I saw it I cried. I didnt think that I would miss Oregon this much.
Anyways my parents are buying a house in Colorado. I am excited to see it and hopefully will get to go visit soon. I am happy to have my step-mom closer to me.

I dont really have anything else that exciting in my life right now haha

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Sooo for those who dont know, not that very many people read this haha, I am in the Young Women's Presidency in my branch. Right now we do not have a president so its just the 2 counselers. Anyways, we are such a small branch and only have 4 young women. Well tonight we decided that it would be better to teach the 2 younger ones together and the 2 older ones together. I really wanted to teach the 2 younger ones, because I felt that I would do better. However the other gal that I serve with asked if I would teach the two older ones. I said yes of course. I am nervous though about it. I hope that I will teach them what they need to know and will gain a lot from it. They are both graduating this year, so its their last year in Young Womens.

The missionaries have only been here for a week and a half and already they are doing amazing in this area. When I first moved here we didnt have any missionaries assigned to this area. Last week that changed and they opened up this area. I hope that I will be able to help the missionaries. Thats all for now... I should get some sleep!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cell Phone

So I don't know how many and who actually reads this, but....

If you didn't already know, my niece broke my phone on Halloween. So I have been without a phone since then. Its been really hard. Especially since I had just moved and what not. I have not been able to keep in touch with some people that I would have liked to.

So the point of this blog was to inform people that I should be getting a phone on Thursday. Provided I can. I heard today that Alltel is beginning its merger with Verizon this week. So Alltel is switching all their systems and stuff. But I am keeping my fingers crosses. That's all for now...


So I have been trying to get financial aid for school and I am having a hard time doing it. I found out today that the Federal Government still considers you dependent on your parents till your 24. Even if you have lived on your own for 3 years, and they aren't paying anything towards college.

This is so frustrating to me !!!!!!

So now I need to figure out what to do now!
