Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well tonight I was in charge of mutual. I was freaking out cause it happended at the last min. I had to come up with a new idea of what to do.

So I called my friend Brandon freakin out. He then suggested games. That was the greatest idea.
I bought Apples to Apples cause that game is fun.

I wasnt sure how it was going to go, but it went really well. My niece even went with me.

Sooo I owe a BIG THANK YOU to Brandon!!! your the best! that is why we are friends lol!

1 comment:

The Farrs said...

Finally! I got your blog linked to mine and now I will check on you more often :-). I did not know that you were in such a small branch. You will have so many opportunities to watch it grow and to be a part of that process! How neat that you are serving in the Young Women's Program. We miss you, but at least we can see what you are up to.